Saturday, November 21, 2015

HOIC (High Orbit Ion Cannon)

HOIC (High Orbit Ion Cannon)                                                  
     The High Orbit Ion Cannon, often abbreviated to HOIC, is an open sourcenetwork stress testing and denial-of-service attack application written in BASICdesigned to attack as many as 256 URLs at the same time. It has been designed to replace the Low Orbit Ion Cannon which was developed by Praetox Technologies and later released into the public domain. The security advisory for the HOIC was released by Prolexic Technologies in February 2012.


      The HOIC was developed during the conclusion of Operation Payback by the hacktivist group AnonymousAs Operation Payback concluded there was massive pressure on the group from law enforcement agencies, which captured and prosecuted more than 13 individuals connected with the group. This forced many members of the group to rethink their strategies and subsequently this part of the group launched Operation LeakspinHowever a large part of Anonymous remained focused on launching opt-in DDoS attacks. However the Low Orbit Ion Cannon was not powerful enough to launch attacks with such a limited number of users. Therefore the HOIC was designed to remedy this with the ability to cause HTTP Flood with low number of user agents with as few as 50 users being required to successfully launch an attack, and co-ordination between multiple users leading to an exponential increase in the damage. The HOIC was the first tool of its kind to have support for the so-called "booster files", configurable VBscript modules that randomize the HTTP headers of attacking computers, allowing thousands upon thousands of highly randomized combinations for user agents. Apart from allowing user agents to implement some form of randomization countermeasures the booster files can and have been used to increase the magnitude of the attack.


     Simply described, the HOIC is a program for sending HTTP POST and GET requests at a computer under attack, that uses a lulz-inspired graphical interfaceHOIC primarily performs a denial-of-service (DoS) attack and a DDoS attack when co-ordinated by multiple individuals. The denial-of-service (DoS) attack on the target URL is accomplished by sending excessive traffic in an attempt to overload the site and bring it down. This basic version of the attack can be customized by using the booster files which follow the VB 6 mixed with VB .NET syntax. In addition, the HOIC can simultaneously attack up to 256 domains, making it one of the most versatile tools for hackers who are attempting to co-ordinate DDoS attacks as a group. The minimalist GUI of the tool makes it user friendly and easy to control. The basic routine of an attack is to input the URL of the website which is to be attacked, set the power option on low, medium or high. The power option sets the request velocity with low at two requests per second, medium at four and high at eight requests per second. Then a booster file is added which uses .hoic extension to define dynamic request attributes, launch attacks on multiple pages within the same website and help evade some defense filters. The attack is then launched by pressing the red button in the GUI labelled as "Fire Teh Lazer".

(Information from : Wikipedia)

Download Software HOIC

File Name : High Orbit Ion Cannon
File Size    : 1.8 Mb

OS            : Windows, MAC OS, Linux
Software by: Anonymous

Download HOIC

Never use it to attack servers that you don´t own or have permission by the owner ! ( 
I Suggest you, if you want to use this software, use this for Attacking a Terrorist Website or use this for the truth :D)

Don't forget to following my Blog, okay ? :p

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